
February 4, 2023

Types of video brochure

Video brochures are a unique and effective marketing tool that combines traditional print materials with digital technology. The integration of video into a print brochures provides an engaging and interactive experience for the viewer, allowing them to watch a pre-recorded video message at the touch of a button. Here are some of the most common types of video brochures:

  1. LCD Video Brochure: This type of video brochures features a high-quality, thin LCD screen that is integrated into the print brochure. The video is stored on an internal memory chip and is played back using a button or touch sensor on the brochures.


  1. OLED Video Brochure: OLED (Organic Light-Emitting Diode) technology is a newer and more advanced type of display technology. OLED video brochures offer higher contrast and better image quality than LCD video brochures.


  1. Paper Video Brochure: This type of video brochures has a unique and environmentally-friendly design, as it combines the print brochure with a flat, paper-thin video screen. The video is played back using a button on the brochures.


  1. Hardcover Video Brochure: Hardcover video brochures are designed with a sturdy and durable cover that protects the video screen and internal components. They are often used for high-end product launches and marketing campaigns.


  1. Pop-Up Video Brochure: This type of video brochures features a pop-up video screen that is revealed when the brochures is opened. This design adds an element of surprise and excitement to the viewer’s experience.


  1. Flip Video Brochure: The flip video brochures is designed with a flip-out video screen that is revealed when the brochures is opened. This design allows the video screen to be hidden when not in use, which can be useful for mailings and other marketing campaigns.


  1. Multi-Screen Video Brochure: This type of video brochures features multiple video screens that can be used to display different videos or images. This design allows for more flexibility and creativity in the marketing message.


  1. Power Bank Video Brochure: This type of video brochures includes a built-in battery that can be used to recharge mobile devices. This added feature can be a valuable and practical gift for customers and can help to extend the life of the video brochures.


  1. Wifi Video Brochures: This type of video brochures features built-in WiFi connectivity, allowing the video message to be updated and changed without having to replace the physical brochures. This design allows for greater flexibility and cost savings in the long run.


In conclusion, video brochures are an innovative and effective marketing tool that can help companies to stand out from the competition and make a lasting impression on their target audience. Whether it’s through a traditional LCD screen, a cutting-edge OLED screen, or a unique pop-up or flip design, there is a video brochures solution to suit any marketing need. With a wide range of sizes, styles, and features available, it’s easy to find a video brochures that fits your specific marketing goals and budget.

One Comment on “Types of video brochure

[…] brochures can be easily forgotten or lost in the shuffle of other marketing materials. However, video brochures offer a unique and memorable experience that attendees are more likely to remember long after the […]


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